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Research Publications

**** Journal Publications ****


[14] Amarnath Pathak and Partha Pakray, Recognizing formula entailment using LSTM network, Journal of Information Science, Indexed in Science Citation Index – Expanded, Impact Factor: 2.462  (Accepted, May 2023)

[13] Amarnath Pathak,
Riyanka Manna, Partha Pakray, Dipankar Das, Alexander Gelbukh and Sivaji Bandyopadhyay,
“Scientific Text Entailment and a Textual Entailment based Framework for Cooking Domain Question Answering”, Sādhanā Springer Journal, 46, Article number: 24 (2021), Indian Academy of Sciences, Indexed in Science Citation Index – Expanded, doi: 10.1007/s12046-021-01557-9, Impact Factor: 0.849  (2020).

[12] Amarnath Pathak, Partha Pakray and Ranjita Das. "Context guided retrieval of math formulae from scientific documents". Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, Taylor and Francis, Vol 40, No. 8, pp. 1559-1574, DOI: 10.1080/02522667.2019.17032552020. [Clarivate Analytics - Emerging Sources Citation Index (E-SCI) Web of Science Indexed journal]

[11] Amarnath Pathak, Ranjita Das, Partha Pakray and Alexander Gelbukh. "Extracting context of math formulae contained inside scientific documents". Computación y Sistemas, Vol 23, No. 3, pp. 803-818, DOI: 10.13053/CyS-23-3-32462019. [Clarivate Analytics - Emerging Sources Citation Index (E-SCI) and SCOPUS Indexed Journal]

[10] Amarnath Pathak, Partha Pakray and Alexander Gelbukh. "Binary Vector Transformation of Math Formula for Mathematical Information Retrieval". Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 2019. [SCI-E indexed journal with Impact Factor: 1.426] DOI: 10.3233/JIFS-179018, pp 1-11, First Online: 15 April 2019.

[09] Amarnath Pathak, Partha Pakray and Alexander Gelbukh. "A Formula Embedding Approach to Math Information Retrieval". Computación y Sistemas, Vol 22, No. 3, pp. 819-833, DOI: [Clarivate Analytics - Emerging Sources Citation Index (E-SCI) and SCOPUS Indexed Journal]

[08] Amarnath Pathak and Partha Pakray. "An Improved and Intelligent Boolean Model for Scientific Text Information Retrieval". Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), Springer. ISSN: 1865-0929, Vol 836, pp.  465-476, DOI:, 2018. [SCImago & SCOPUS Indexed Journal]
[07] Partha Pakray, Goutam Majumder and Amarnath Pathak. "An HMM based POS Tagger for POS tagging of Code-Mixed Indian Social Media Text". Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), Springer. ISSN: 1865-0929, Vol 836, pp.  495-504, DOI:, 2018. [SCImago & SCOPUS Indexed Journal]
[06]   Amarnath Pathak and Partha Pakray. "Neural Machine Translation for Indian Languages",  Journal of Intelligent    Systems, Published Online: 18 June 2018, ISSN (Online): 2191-026X, ISSN (Print): 0334-1860, DOI:, 2018. [Clarivate Analytics - Emerging Sources Citation Index (E-SCI) and SCOPUS Indexed Journal].
[05] Amarnath Pathak, Partha Pakray and Jereemi Bentham. "English-Mizo Machine Translation using Neural and    Statistical Approaches". Neural Computing and Applications Journal, Volumes 30, Issues 169, pp 1–17, First Online: 30 June 2018, DOI:, 2018. [SCI-E Indexed Journal - Impact Factor: 4.213]
[04] Saroj Ratnoo, Amarnath Pathak, Jyoti Ahuja and Jyoti Vashishtha. "Exception Discovery Using Ant Colony Optimization". International Journal of Computational Systems Engineering (IJCSYSE), Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 46-57, March 2018, ISSN online: 2046-3405, ISSN print: 2046-3391, DOI:, 2018. [Refereed/Peer reviewed Journal]
[03] Amarnath Pathak, Partha Pakray, Sandip Sarkar, Dipankar Das and Alexander Gelbukh. "MathIRs: Retrieval System for Scientific Documents". Computación y Sistemas Journal, Vol. 21, Issue 2, July 2017, pp. 91–100, DOI:, 2017. [Clarivate Analytics - Emerging Sources Citation Index (E-SCI) and SCOPUS Indexed Journal]
[02] Somen Debnath and Amarnath Pathak. "A Study on Mining Fuzzy Classification Rules with Exceptions". Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering(IJCSE), ISSN : 0976-5166, Vol. 8, Issue 2, Apr-May 2017, pp. 84-87, 2017. [UGC Listed Journal]
[01] Amarnath Pathak and Jyoti Vashishtha. "Classification Rule and Exception Mining Using Nature Inspired Algorithms". International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, ISSN: 0975-9646, Vol. 6, Issue 3, pp. 3023-3030, June 2015.


**** Conference Publications ****
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[03] Amarnath Pathak, Partha Pakray and Ranjita Das. "MathIRs: A one-stop solution to several Mathematical Information Retrieval Needs". In Proceedings of International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems   (COMSYS 2021), Shillong, India, published in Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, DOI:, pp 171-179, September 29-October 1, 2021. [SCOPUS indexed]. 

[02] Amarnath Pathak, Partha Pakray and Ranjita Das. "LSTM Neural Network Based Math Information Retrieval". In Proceedings of Second International Conference on Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms  (ICACCP-2019) published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Sikkim, India, DOI: 10.1109/ICACCP.2019.8882887, pp 1-6, 25-28 Feb 2019. [SCOPUS indexed(Best Paper Award).


[01] Amarnath Pathak, Dhruv Goel and Somen Debnath. "Mining Fuzzy Classification Rules with Exceptions- A Comparative Study". In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing and Communication Systems (I3CS-2016), Shillong, India, Springer, pp. 147-153, 2018 [SCOPUS indexed].



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